07 January 2011

How Bright is Your Light?

"We are each gifted in a unique and important way.  It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.”  - Mary Dunbar

During a Christmas sermon just a few weeks ago, the pastor shared a story about a young boy who was asked what he liked most about Christmas.  The child answered “What I like most about Christmas is that people “sparkle.” I have to admit that I too have found that during the Christmas season, people tend to be a little more giving, a little more loving, and a little more joyful, even to strangers. 
What do we really mean when we use the word “sparkle?”  Well, in the context of this blog I’m using it as meaning “to share the light of Jesus that resides within us.”  Do you think maybe the little boy was on to something? 
How we individually reflect that "light" varies.  You and I might have similar interests/ passions, but our personal relationship with God, our gifts, resources, personalities, and willingness to serve, enable us to “shine” for Jesus in a variety of ways. 

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.  If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." - Romans 12:6-8

Below is a list of some names I came up with to describe different types of lights, each ones Christian characteristics and some possible ways  that each might “Shine for Jesus,” aka sparkle What type of light are you?
Candle:  reflects His love, radiates warmth and comfort (reaching out to the lost, lonely and hurting people in the world).
Flashlight:  A constant light, leading the way for others along the same path (mentoring, teaching, leadership).
Sparkler: A glittering quality, shining with animation, a source of inspiration & encouragement (offers hope, joy, comfort and praise through words & prayers).
Beacon:  A ray of light, directing others to the source of hope and salvation (missionaries, witnesses, Christian musicians & writers, Pastors).
Blaze:  On fire, consumed, sparks others (organizers, planners, motivators, visionaries, sharing their passion within their environment – church/community).
Each light has its own brightness, not because of the type of light, but because of its source.   A small candle can burn brighter than a flashlight with a dying battery.  A sparkler can illuminate in ways a beacon may not be able to. The fact is, the stronger the source, the brighter the light.  So, as we grow in our faith, we become more Christ-like.  Our power source (His light) becomes stronger, causing us to “sparkle” in even brighter ways.  Why not post a comment and share with us ways that you “sparkle!” 
IT’S FRIDAY, LET’S SPARKLE... Action Required...  Remember on Monday I suggested that you hold on to the Christmas cards that you received this year. Here is an idea for an easy way to “sparkle. 
Put the cards in a special place and use them as a reminder to pray for those friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.  By placing them in a bowl on your table, it can become a great family activity at the dinner table, or tuck them in to your Bible or journal so they can become part of your daily prayer time.  You can even go one step further... pick a card and send a hand-written note to the person/family letting them know that you are praying for them. 

Let God use you right now, right where you are!  Reaching out to others and sharing God’s love in small ways, can become huge peace-filled moments in our daily lives. 

Have a blessed weekend and I’ll meet you here again on Monday.  God’s Peace... Donna Weaver
“Peace on the outside comes from knowing God on the inside.”  - author unknown

1 comment:

Donna Weaver said...

BTW... I think I'm a "sparkler."