04 July 2011

Meet Sam

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
- Lee Greenwood

This weekend I met a new friend.  As I drove down the road, his amazing height and welcoming smile caught my eye.  He was standing so tall and proud.  Taking a deep breath, I decided to circle around the block, park the car, and introduce myself.  I knew I just had to be bold ... I wanted to take his picture.

I’d like you to meet Sam.

We quickly became friends. As I got to know more about Sam, I understood why. There were many things that made him special. We had a lot in common, but he also made me take a good look at myself. Here is what I learned:

He was beautifully and wonderfully made by a master crafter.
I too, have been beautifully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139 tells me so.

He boldly wore his tall hat and carried a large flag, revealing the fact that he was proud of who he was created to be – a symbol of our country, a proud American.
I too am proud - to be a daughter, a sister, mom, grandma, and friend. But, do I reveal the holy boldness of someone who is proud to be a Christian?

He stood strong, weathering all of the elements and unshaken by passers-by.
I try to stand strong in my faith, but when I am grow weak and tired, God is my strength (Isaiah 40:29, 31).

He had a contagious smile that drew me closer. I wanted to know him better.
I asked myself ... Do others want to learn the source of my happiness and peace? Am I a contagious Christian?

As I said good-bye to Sam, I realized that friends come in all shapes, sizes and elements. We can learn a lot about ourselves whether it is through a true friend, or an unexpected object. Keep an eye open, you never know who, or what character, God will put in your path today. The time spent with my new friend, Sam, gave me moments of insight, self-reflection, and even a little inspiration.

Inspiration ...
I bought some red and blue star-shaped balloons to release in memory of some very special people. The blue star was in memory of a friend’s son who passed away a few months ago, and the red star was in memory of those who have and still are fighting for our country. Thanks for the inspiration, Sam ... I’m proud to be an American, and I’m proud to be a Christian.

What an awesome weekend for peace, love & sparkle ... what a great time to celebrate life!
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver 

“I thank my God every time I remember you.”
– Philippians 1:3


Kathi said...


I absolutely adored meeting your new unique friend, "Sam", all that he stood for and all that you stand for...

You captured the true essence of being a "Proud American" and a "Proud Christian" so beautifully...

BTW...the pic of you two made me "smile" (okay, belly laugh) and the releasing of the balloons was an amazing tribute!

P.S. I am like a little kid waiting to get a "treat" on Mondays and Fridays!! And you NEVER disappoint....Love, love, love your blog and YOU!!!

Lv, Hugs & Blessings,
Kathi....Little Sis

Donna Weaver said...

Hey Little Sis....

Your comments always make me smile, so I guess we're a good match!

You would have done more than belly laugh if you could have seen all that I had to go through to take that pic of me & Sam (yes, me by myself). Passing traffic must have thought I was out of my mind... the things I do for my blog :)

Have a blessed week....

Chillin' in His Grace,
Donna aka Sis2