27 June 2011


2 friends ... 2 journals ... 2,000 Gifts

“I will give you thanks in the great assembly;
among the throngs I will praise you.”
- Psalm 35:18

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise? That is a question asked by Christian singer, Laura Story in her song “Blessings.” I don’t know about you, but when health issues, job struggles, financial concerns and plan old hardships come along, it is difficult to look at them as blessings. Sometimes it’s hard to find peace, joy or hope when your have sadness in your heart.

I just finished reading a book entitled “One Thousand Gifts,” by Ann Voskamp. If you haven’t read it, it is a must.

Ann is a writer that has a remarkable way of describing what a life of gratitude looks like amidst the ordinary, everyday things we sometimes take for granted. Her reflections are filled with beautiful, descriptive words that give the reader a vivid picture of each blessing she shares. Ann’s story dares us to LIVE FULLY right where we are. Her words open our eyes and fill us with a longing to uncover the blessings in our own lives, blessings that can only be found if we are thankful in all things.

Last week I mailed a special package to a dear friend. Its contents included two items - necessary supplies for a journey that we will be taking together: 1) a copy of Ann’s book – One Thousand Gifts, and, 2) a journal. My friend and I have decided to travel life’s road together for a while… our mission is to thank God in all things; the little joys, the unexpected blessings, and yes, even the hardships, disappointments, and challenges. We will set out on our journey beginning July 1st and write words of gratitude along the way. The fun part is, we are both starting out with identical journals and will exchange them every two weeks. My friend will pen her words of thanksgiving from a seaside community in South Carolina, while I will express my gratitude surrounded by the mountains of Colorado. And hopefully at the end of this journey, we will each end up with a book containing mixed prayers of thankfulness ... SHARED BLESSINGS.

Please pray that God will open our eyes and change our hearts. That he will teach us to realize the peace, joy and hope that can be found in all things. Be sure to check back, as I will be sharing some of the tidbits from our journals in future blog posts.

Count your blessings ...
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle.”
- Ann Voskamp

Ann Voskamp’s websites:   http://onethousandgifts.com/ and http://www.aholyexperience.com/

24 June 2011

Check Out the Information

“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.”
– Psalm 119:105

Today’s world is filled with a massive amount of words – all kinds of information, and so many different sources. We can check out the library, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and the list goes on and on.

At the library there are all kinds of books to check out, including classic novels, mysteries, romance, comedy, drama, biographies, historical fiction and non-fiction, books on poetry, hobbies, and numerous other selections.

I have been a lover of books since I was a little girl. My grandma was a registered nurse and every time she came to visit, she brought me a book. Each one became a cherished addition to my series. The books were about the adventures of a nurse named Cherry Ames. She was a job-hopping, mystery-solving nurse and each story took me to exciting places around the country. With each new assignment, I found myself in the midst of her latest adventure - from Cherry Ames Student Nurse through twenty seven books such as Private Duty Nurse, Flight Nurse, Dude Ranch Nurse, and Rest Home Nurse. Accompanying Cherry on her escapades, created an opportunity for me to dream about what my own adventures might be when I grew up.

Today I enjoy getting lost in adventures created by writers such as Karen Kingsbury, Mary Alice Monroe, Bill Myers, and Kristin Hannah. My choice of authors may have changed, but my love of books has not. Over the years I’ve supplemented my reading list, with books on Biblical Studies and Christian Living. Some of my favorite Christian (writers) teachers include Beth Moore, Max Lucado, and Joyce Meyer.

I've accumulated enough books to create my own personal library, which has gradually taken over my house. My collection contains a wide range of reading, from Dr. Seuss and other children’s stories that I share with my grandchildren, to contemporary fiction, biographies, devotionals and many other selections. But, my all time favorite books are my Bibles. I still have my very first Bible, a King James Version that was given to me at Sunday school when I was a child. You can find a white leather-bound Bible on my shelves, a gift from my grandparents on my wedding day. But the most worn, dog-eared, written in, and used, of them all is my Study Bible.

I find peace and encouragement as I read God’s Word. He takes me on personal adventures, and it is within the pages of my Bible, that I find truth. It is here where I can check out a list of commandments for daily living. I can check out “do’s and don’ts” from biblical leaders, parents, servants and friends. I can check out how to pray. I can check out the most beautiful love story ever told ... and hear about the depth of God’s love. And if that’s not enough, I can also check out entertainment - battles between nations, miracles of healing and rescue, celebrations such as weddings, births, and home-comings, and even some great vacation spots including the Garden of Eden, a mountaintop experience on Mt. Sinai, and boating on the Sea of Galilee.

Some of our other sources of information may offer us a much wider variety than that of one well-worn Bible, but let’s do a comparison. If I check out the internet I can find a list of suggestions for daily living, such as ways to lose 30 pounds without exercising, steps for handling difficult co-workers, or top places you should live. If I check out the magazine stands, I can read “do’s and don’ts” from this seasons fashion experts. If I check out the radio, I can hear a DJ’s opinions on how to view life and treat others. If I check out television, a soap opera or reality show provides a good (or not so good) love story. And of course, if I check out the newspaper, the entertainment section offers updates on the latest celebrity gossip - marriages, divorces, arrests, and so much more.

Now, I know you are all thinking... but, but, but. My comments about other sources were only examples of extremes, not personal opinions. What we read, hear, and watch, become filters which we use when making our decisions in life.  Words find a place in our heart, and eventually, the words we speak come from what is stored in our heart.

When considering the “source” of our information, we have a choice. I am reminded of the children’s song, The B-I-B-L-E – yes, that’s the book for me. So I ask you, “What are you going to check out today?”

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle ... action required ... As you go about your weekend, why not watch for ways to share God’s word with someone. I found the local thrift shop to be an excellent source to check out not only used books, but used Bibles. A few weeks ago while browsing the shelves, I found an NIV study Bible that looked brand new – the cost $2.75. What a deal! I already have my own study Bible, so I thought it would be great to have an extra on hand that I could pass along to someone else. This is also the time of year for garage sales. As you rummage through the bargains, keep an eye out for Bibles and other Christian books such as devotionals. Ask God to bring someone to mind that needs to receive His word and a special source of information (a Bible) from a friend.

Pass on the peace and encouragement of  His Word.
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“The word of God is full of living power.”
- Hebrews 4:12

20 June 2011

A Mary-Martha Adjustment

“My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace
is to finish what I start. So for today, I have finished two bags of M & M’s
and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.” – Dave Barry

Nothing can steal our peace like a “to do” list that is out of control.  Are you trying to do it all? I sure feel like I am. Maybe my “to do” list needs a Mary-Martha adjustment.  How about you?

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42).

I can be very much like Martha. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. I cannot accomplish all of the things on my “to do” list because my busyness overwhelms me.

As part of my journey of seeking peace, I have been attempting to avoid the “tyranny of the urgent,” not letting urgent things take priority over the important things. I admit that as hard as I try, I still have not been 100% successful. Unfortunately, one item on my “to do” list that continues to suffer is my daily devotions. As I wrote these words, something occurred to me... maybe my devotions should not even be on my “to do” list. Time spent with God should not be a task to be crossed off my list.  It should not be something that I might get to if I have time leftover at the end of the day, but a privilege that I look forward to and am blessed with each day. My time with God should be as natural as the first glimpse of morning light or the last conscious breath before I fall asleep.

My heart longs to sit at the feet of Jesus, to be like Mary. She made a conscious decision to let Martha do the “busy-work.” It was a choice. She chose Jesus as her most important priority, over the urgency of busyness.

God knows that our daily schedules can be difficult. He understands the demands on our time. Jesus experienced the same types of distractions. His “to do” list was a lot longer than mine, but unlike me, Jesus didn’t put “daily devotions with God” on his list. He sought God’s presence amidst all of his daily “to do’s” - before, during and after - asking advise, seeking His will, and thanking Him in all things.

Some of you may be reading this blog and find it impossible to relate. Your devotional time and quiet time alone with God is a daily routine that you find impossible to do without. I say to you, what a blessing to have a Mary heart in a Martha world.  I am seeking, but not there yet!

I have laid out a challenge for myself... this week I am committing to a different approach.  I will still have things “to do” (probably more than time allows), but I am going to start each day by thanking God for providing 24 hours. Twenty-four hours that I can use to His glory.  I am going to let Him write my “to do” list. Since I am a night person, and don’t want to give Him the leftover minutes at the end of my day, I plan to put my “to do” list away at a reasonable hour each evening and in doing so, I can give God “quality time” for my devotions. And before my feet leave the floor each night, I will thank Him for the accomplishments of the day (whatever they may be).

If you are like me, make a commitment and join me in my search for a peace-ful heart. A heart filled with the presence of God. If you have mastered your “God time,” add me to your prayer list. After all, life is a journey, and we are walking along the path together.

God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Be still and know that I am God.”
– Psalm 46:10

17 June 2011

To Dad, With Love

“The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!”
- author unknown

This Sunday is Father’s Day and a bitter-sweet day for me. My earthly father and my heavenly father are spending the day together, and I am jealous. As I started writing this blog post I intended to compile a list of “Lessons I Learned from my Dad,” but as the words hit the paper, I found myself writing to dad and not just about him. So, here is my “Letter to Dad.”

Dear Dad,
I’m writing this letter because you been on my mind all day today. Do you know how much I miss you? There are so many times when I would love to pick up the phone and tell you something, ask your opinion, or just brag a little about your grandkids and great-grandkids. But, all of that will have to wait until we see each other again.

I don’t know if I ever told you how much I love words... reading them and writing them. As I was reading some quotes this morning, there were several that reminded me of you. So here is my way of saying “thank you” for being my Dad...

“He didn't tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it.”
- Clarence Budington Kelland

Dad, thank you for instilling in us values... such as respect for one another, thankfulness in all circumstances, and perseverance without complaint, even in the tough times. You showed us how pleasure and personal rewards come from hard work and taking pride in whatever you do.

“Fatherhood is pretending the present you
love most is soap-on-a-rope.” - Bill Cosby

Dad, thank you for sharing your laughter. I remember times when something made you laugh so hard that tears would be streaming down your face. Your laughter was contagious. I don’t have to see your face in front of me now.... I can picture the memory. One of those times was when you used to listen to Bill Cosby tell the story of Noah and the Ark.

“When a man has done his best, has given his all, and in the process
supplied the needs of his family and his society, that man has made
a habit of succeeding.”- Mack R. Douglas

Dad, thank you for blessing us (all 7 kids and mom), with amazing vacations that created wonderful memories. They would not have been possible without all of your organizing and planning. I remember right after Christmas you would start requesting brochures and travel packets for all of the places you had plotted out for the upcoming summer trip. Our excitement continued to build right up to the very day we all piled in to the station wagon and hit the road. We are blessed to have so many of those trips captured on film.

“The most important thing a father can do for
his children is to love their mother.”
- David O. McKay

Dad, thank you for loving mom and sharing 49 years of marriage with her. Your love and devotion was a beautiful example of a relationship blessed by God.

Dad, this is just a glimpse of who you were to me. What more could a girl ask for?

All my love always,
Your daughter - Donna

My dad had a peace about him, I’d like to believe that it came from a life well lived. And even though his time on earth was cut way too short, he left his family an inheritance... a legacy of love!

What values, lessons, or words of wisdom have you learned from your dad? Have you ever thanked him? This is the perfect week to do so.

Some of you may not know your father or have a loving relationship with your dad. Well, do not be sad... your Father in heaven is calling you by name. He desires a loving relationship with you. Seek Him and give Him thanks.

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle ... action required ...
If you don’t have a dad to “spoil” this Father’s Day, or you know someone who may not have family living nearby, or someone who may have lost a spouse or child this year, why not ADOPT A DAD OR GRANDPA. Below are some ways to make them feel loved this Father’s Day...

  • Sent them a card – there are many Father’s Day cards that don’t say specifically to my dad or grandpa, they could say “To a special man on Father’s Day” or “To a friend on Father’s Day.”
  • Invite them to go to church with you
  • Provide a meal for them or invite them over to your house for dinner
  • Surprise them with balloons tied on their front door
  • Volunteer an act of service – ie. wash their car, mow the lawn
Small acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone’s life when it is unexpected and received at just the right time. Ask God to open your eyes and show you someone that need’s a little extra lovin’ this Father’s Day ... and don’t forget to keep them in your prayers!

Enjoy your weekend.
Blessings and God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in
the land the LORD your God is giving you.” – Exodus 20:12

13 June 2011

Milestones and Symbols

“LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have
accomplished you have done for us.” – Isaiah 26:12

Throughout our lives there are milestones along the journey that help us remember the path we’ve walked. Our parents tell us (and anyone else that will listen), the stories of how and when we achieved each developmental stage of our early years. Some of our developmental milestones might have included the first time we rolled over, the first time we sat up, our first step and our first words. As we grew up, our milestones changed and became the significant events, and celebrations in our lives. Birthdays, our first band concert, holidays, sports events, gymnastic class, science fair, first date, school programs, prom, and graduation are just some of the events. Life continued and so did the special times... college, marriage, children and the cycle continues.

Think back, how did your family celebrate your life? What keepsakes or symbols do you have commemorating those milestones? I remember when I was growing up my grandparents gave me a charm bracelet, and for special occasions I received a new charm to add to the bracelet. Other special items included my Girl Scout badges, trophies, medals, my class ring, and my High School diploma, and of course, who can forget the yearbooks. I’ve kept many keepsakes and enjoy taking them out from time to time.... they bring back such wonderful memories. These special events, these milestones are what make us the person we are today.

There is one other type of milestone that has a huge impact on our life. These are spiritual milestones. We all know what a big deal these events can be, and we often celebrate them as a church family. Spiritual milestones represent our faith journey and include events such as our baptism, confirmation, first communion, and marriage, just to name a few. These are more than ceremonies, they become part of our testimony. Many times we are given or acquire keepsakes or symbols relating to our spiritual milestones. I still have my very first Bible, a King James Version that was given to me at Sunday School when I was a child. I also have a cross with my name engraved on it, representing 10 years of service in our church choir. These are just two of the items I cherish from the earliest days of my walk with Christ.

What are some of your spiritual milestones?  Do you have any items commemorating those milestones?

Milestones play an important role in our lives. They are simple reminders of where we’ve been and what we’ve done along the journey. The events themselves are the most important part of the milestone, but for a Christian, a public display of certain milestones can let others know that we willingly share our faith. Maybe it’s a time-worn Bible, a favorite wedding picture taken in the church, or your favorite cross that you never take off. I have a thumb ring engraved with the Christian fish symbol (Ichthus), that I never take off. People have commented on it many times and it has been a great conversation starter... an opportunity for me to share my faith.

Symbols have been used in various cultures and contexts, as far back as the early Christians. Here are a few examples of Christian symbols and their meanings:

CROSS: The Christian cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is the best-known religious symbol of Christianity. While anyone--even pagans--now use the cross as decoration or as an occult symbol, Christians continue to treasure the cross of Calvary.

DOVE: This is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, from the account of Jesus' baptism (John 1:32-34). It also represents peace. One of the most ancient symbols of peace is the olive branch. The dove and olive branch was used by early Christians and became current in the 18th century.

ICHTHUS - The Greek word for fish, is a Christian symbol for Christ. During the persecution of the early church, this symbol was used because it was not obvious that it was a religious sign. When someone was a Christian they would draw an arc in the sand and then upon meeting another Christian, the other person would complete the drawing of a fish with a second arc. That way if the other person was not Christian, they would not be aware that the first one was Christian.

LAMB: The lamb represents Christ and innocence. It also represents faith, because Abraham was going to kill his son Isaac, and was sent a lamb instead.

BUTTERFLY: Reminds Christians of the amazing transformation that takes place through Christ's redemption and regeneration... a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).

RAINBOW: The rainbow is a symbol of hope, holiness and faithfulness. God used a rainbow as a covenant with Noah and the rest of the world.

Don’t forget to celebrate your milestones.... past, present and future. Feel free to share your milestones in the comment section on my blog - they are part of your journey, your story and your testimony.

Blessings for a week filled with cherished moments.
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

I’m very pleased with each advancing year. It stems back to when I
was forty, I was a bit upset about reaching that milestone, but an
older friend consoled me, “Don’t complain about growing old –
many, many people do not have that privilege.”  - Earl Warren

10 June 2011

Being a Friend (Part 2)

Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship
with each other
in the name of the LORD, saying, ‘The LORD
is witness between you and me,
and between your descendants
and my descendants forever.’” – 1 Samuel 20:42

To have good friends, you must be a good friend, but sometimes that is easier said than done. I think the Bible story of David and Jonathan’s friendship (1 Samuel 20), gives us such wonderful examples of loyalty, trust, and encourage- ment between friends. I love the part of verse 42 that says, “The LORD is witness between you and me.” I believe that God will bless our friendships IF we enter into our relationships focusing on Biblical principles and Christian values.

Here are some “tips” for being a friend:

Be Real: When we are generous, honest and open, we become a friend that is comfortable to be around. Being our authentic self also makes our faith transparent. Others can see that we are walking the walk, not just talking the talk.

Be Compassionate: When we are a friend that offers a supporting hand, carries the burdens of others, and helps out in whatever way we can, we become a true friend that is there whenever a need arises. Dependable and caring - a beautiful combination.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic,
love one another, be compassionate and humble.” – 1 Peter 3:8

Be a Good Listener: When we give our complete attention to a conversation, we are letting the other person know that what they are saying is important to us. We open the door for them to share – no interruptions, criticism, or unwarranted advice.

Be an Encourager: When we offer support through words, deeds or actions, we build one another up and strengthen each other. A friend that offers encouragement helps us be the best we can be. They help us explore our possibilities, dreams, and goals in life.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If they fall down, they can help each other up. But pity those who fall
and have no one to help them up!” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Be Trustworthy: When we keep our word, a promise, or a secret, we become a loyal friend. Others can have confidence that we are a safe haven, a person they can turn to when they need to share their feelings, deepest thoughts and even their prayer concerns.

Be Respectful: When we value another person’s opinions, appreciate their right to make their own choices and mistakes, and do not judge, even if we may not agree, we create a relationship based on mutual understanding and shared admiration.

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you
will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” – Luke 6:36-38

Be Loving: When we care about another person’s feelings, share their pain, offer forgiveness, celebrate their blessings, and share our love of the Lord, we become a person with a heart like Jesus... a good friend!

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic,
love one another, be compassionate and humble.” - 1 Peter 3:8

Author and motivational speaker, Leo Buscaglia once said, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring: all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

The list I have shared on being a friend is a reflection of the way Christ treated those He was close to in His daily walk. Carrying out these practices, and doing so unconditionally, will help not only make us "good friends” to one another, but in the process, our friendships will become grounded in solid Christian values.

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle... action required... Do the following words sound familiar?

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back againy
our heart is true you're a pal and a confidant

Maybe you’ve heard them while watching an episode of the Golden Girls. What wonderfully funny stories about friendship. Oh, they had their tough times, disagreements, and the types of issues that all friendships need to work through, but I always loved how they took time to tell each other how important they were to one another. In 1992, during the Show’s bittersweet final moments, one of the girls told the others, "I love you, always." What a beautiful display of friendship. This weekend why not take a moment to tell a friend how much they mean to you.

If our paths have not crossed yet, maybe they will someday... and we can become friends. And to the friends that have already left footprints on my heart (and you know who you are)... “I love YOU, always!”

 Have fun making friends and being a friend!
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Don’t walk in front of me. I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me.
I may not lead.  Walk beside me and be my friend.”   - Albert Camus

06 June 2011

Needing a Friend (Part 1)

Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver, the other gold.

Who would have known that a song our Brownie Troop learned when I was a young girl, would be a reminder of such an important message almost 50 years later?

I have to admit that this weekend was quiet and a little lonely for me. My hours were filled with school work, house cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping – all the weekend “to do’s” ... but something was missing.

I have moved many times in my life and in the past I have adjusted quickly, jumping in to activities and making new friends along the way. I am a people-person and usually pretty out-going, so I have never experienced problems with feeling “at home” in a new place... until now. I know that it was God’s plan for me to move to Colorado and I really love it here. I also find the people to be friendly and welcoming.  So, you might be asking....what is your problem?

I hadn’t been able to figure out my problem until I read a blog yesterday and the writer seemed to be pulling the words straight from my heart to her computer. She expressed the following words, “My biggest issue since I moved was I had no people of my own to call, friends.” All I could say was, “Yes, I understand.” She went on to say, “All my best friends were back where I had moved from.” Again I said, “Yes, exactly.” Then she expressed how she felt she was becoming a “recluse”... my heart skipped a beat. No, it’s not possible, not me! I knew at that moment, it was no coincidence that I had read her blog. You see, I am a firm believer that God puts others in our lives at the perfect time - to encourage us, help us realize our pain, or show us hope through the victory of someone else’s struggles.

The words of a complete stranger had help me reveal my unsettled feeling, the fact... I was choosing to be a “loner.” Don’t get me wrong, I have found a wonderful church, joined a Bible study, and have even been invited to a few social activities. But being involved and meeting new people is a lot different than having a friend that you can call up to go shopping or to the movies. Maybe my choice was because of the busyness in my life, or the fact that I hadn’t admitted that Colorado was really my home. God has called us to be in community with others and whatever my reasons were, I was being disobedient to God and things had to change.

So, today I spent time thanking God for the blessing of friendships. I thanked Him for my very best friend in the world, Diana. Even though we live far away from each other, we share a long-standing relationship that has spanned over 20 years. When we talk on the phone, it’s like we pick up right where we left off. When we send and receive cards, it’s always the perfect sentiment. I am also thankful for the many friends that are scattered across the country that have left imprints on my heart forever. I love keeping in touch and cherish the many cards and letters we share. I even said a special thank you for the friends from my youth that I have been able to reunite with on Facebook. I've found peace in my heart and know how truly blessed I am! 

I have been humming the tune of my childhood song all day long. As I think of the words that go with the tune, I realize that I have mastered the “keep the old” part, but my prayer today is that God will open the eyes of my heart and help me “make new friends” with those He has chosen to put in my life... right here in Colorado.

Friends are a gift from God, give thanks for them and to them! Be sure to check back on Friday for Part 2 of my post on “friendship” - Being a Friend.

God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Many people will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

03 June 2011

Fields of Dandelions, How Glorious

“If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower,
and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

The weather has been gorgeous in Colorado this week... sunny and warm. Summer has finally arrived. The rewards of all of the gardeners who took advantage of the Memorial Day weekend, to tend to their flower beds, are noticeable everywhere. Delightful colors, charming yards filled with sights that would please any artist or photographer.

This is the time of year that we also begin to see our old friends the dandelions. No matter how hard we try to pull them up, you can never seem to get the whole thing. Part of the root stays in the ground, sometimes going as deep as 3 feet to find water, threatening to grow up and bloom again.

But despite their bad reputation, dandelions are pretty little flowers. They are the most beautiful of all when offered in the grip of a small child’s hand... and guess what, no one ever gets yelled at for picking them. Perhaps they were created only to be used and enjoyed by children.

According to ehow.com, “The dandelion is considered a weed, a flower, or a vegetable depending on your point of view. While dandelions are considered a pesky weed when they crop up on a lawn, they have many benefits. They are a plant that attracts ladybugs and provides them with a source of nourishment. Dandelions can be eaten, and studies have shown that they are rich in vitamin B, C, and D as well as iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. The dandelion also goes by other names such as “lion’s tooth” and “priest’s crown.”

Dandelions are ignored or attacked, never nurtured or cared for, and yet they always grow and multiply. Did you know that dandelions can produce up to 20,000 seeds? They require no special attention to produce their bright blossoms; they just “pop up” in fields, in lawns and between cracks in the sidewalk. Can you image trying to grow them in a garden? They’d sneak out of their borders, with no limitations, and reposition their sunny yellow faces in the neighbor’s lawn, or nearby fields and gardens. They would never stay put!

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle... action required...   Maybe we should all try to become a “dandelion” kind of Christian, letting others know that our faith is rooted deeply in God --- spreading His word wherever we plant ourselves. Our dandelion fields would show the world that even though we may not be the fanciest, largest or sweetest smelling flowers, we can be found everywhere, and we’re hard to get rid of.

In Matthew 28, verse 19 we are commanded, “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” So come on “dandelion” Christians, as we go about our weekend activities, let’s get out of the garden, and jump across the boundaries that keep us where people expect to find us. We need to make a presence,  become "fields of dandelions" and show our sunny faces in all the spots that need a little brightening up.

I’m curious...What is your favorite flower?

I’m partial to sunflowers... tall, distinctive, and very hardy. I remember my mother-in-law had the most beautiful gardens and some of the tallest sunflowers I had ever seen. I once read that if you look at the sunflower, it actually looks like the sun.  How cool!  As a Christian, looking like the “Son” (being “Christ-like”) is an essential part of my faith.  Being a “sunflower” ... I like that idea, too :)

Have a blessed weekend, and be sure to take time to stop & smell the flowers.
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
– Psalm 92:13

(Excerpts of this post have been taken from a story I came across in 2008, called “Dandelions and Cracked Pots”- author unknown)