Welcome to my blog ... “Peace, Love & Sparkle” ...
I am glad you have chosen to walk with me through 2011. I don't know about you, but there are many areas of my life that are not exactly "peace-filled" right now. Part of this journey for me will be a challenge to seek personal and spiritual peace in my life - heart, soul, surroundings, relationships.... I think you get the point!
The second part of our journey takes root in a quote from Mother Teresa. She once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Over the past 10 years, those words have stirred a passion within me. There are many people in this world that need a “love letter”... they need to know someone cares and that is what my ministry & this blog are all about.
My Mission
I pray that God will use my words to help challenge you “to become living letters” as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:1-5. You see, seeking peace is not enough. We must "sparkle", too. We have to be an outward reflection for the peace and love that we have within. Actively living a Christian life filled with God’s peace, in itself is a personal challenge, but as we share God's peace with others it becomes our ministry.
God is the ultimate source of our peace, so on Mondays my blog will be all about seeking the knowledge, tools and understanding to live a "peace-filled" life. Then on Friday, I will write about ways that we can pass on the "peace" aka SPARKLE. I will also share some interviews that I have done with other "encouragers" and they will share some of the ways they have chosen to “sparkle.” The transition from seeking a peace-filled life to living a life filled with God’s Peace, is in sharing His love with those we meet on our journey.
When I am not blogging, writing Christian children's stories, studying or working at my day job, I am blessed to be a kingdom servant with Walk to Emmaus, Hospice and active in small group ministries at my church.
I can't wait to share some of my faith-journey with you and look forward to hearing your stories, too. Please let me know how I can pray for you along our journey. As we begin this time together, I pray that God will be our teacher, our guide and our counselor.
God's Peace,
I cherish: my family, friendships, family photos and quiet times with God
Things I love to do: read, journal, write, scrapbook, doodle, garage sale, play board games with my family, send cards
Places I love to go: flea markets, antique stores, thrift and resale shops, craft shows
Things that inspire me: God's Word, artists & crafters, great photography, magazines, greeting cards, contemporary Christian music, quotes