- Have my children's books published
- Take a K-Love Music Cruise
- Learn to speak Spanish
- Buy a VW Bug
- Visit the old missions in Mexico
- Experience Las Vegas
- Memorize Bible verses 25 - 50 - 75 - 100 - 125 - 150
- Simplify my Life
- Go to a high school reunion
- Write an article for a magazine
- Become a chaplain
- Design my own website
- Visit Positano, Italy
- Lose weight 50 - 75 - 100 - 125 pounds
- Make my home a peaceful place to live
- Take a photography class
- Go on another mission trip
- Tithe consistently
- Be a “turtle lady” for a summer
- Get a tattoo
- Read the entire Bible
- Finish College
- Organize my family photos
- Be a Lightkeeper of a lighthouse for a week
- Complete my certificate at the Institute of Children’s Literature
- Visit a California vineyard
- Attend a charity event and make a generous donation
- Create my own blog
- Take each of my grandchildren on a one-on-one vacation (Kylee, Brooke, Kaleb, Aydin)
- Become the proud owner of a Corvair convertible
- Spend 24 consecutive hours in a bookstore
- Design my own line of greeting cards
- Live Life to the fullest
- Organize a family reunion
Note: list is not in any order of priority
Highlighted items have been completed