03 April 2012

Leaving the Garden – Remembering the SUFFERING

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power
is made perfect in weakness"  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

This Lenten season has been quite a journey!  We’ve spent a great deal of time in the Garden... examining our hearts, confessing our sins, asking for forgiveness, smelling the sweet fragrance of our Savior, drawing closer to Him, talking about humility and being passionate... and here we are. Today we leave the garden and as followers on the journey to the cross, we start down a very dark path.

Can you imagine what it was like for the disciples, as they shared Christ’s last days

What a terrifying time!

Does your life ever seem like a dark path? Maybe you are facing the unknown? Are you going through your own pain and suffering?  Despair?  Fear?  Doubt?

Well, I have good news to share with you. No matter what we are going through, no matter how desperate we feel, no one understands our “darkness” better than Jesus. As followers of Christ, we are never alone because of His promises and His presence ... because of His journey to the Cross.

I hope you will find encouragement and hope in the following Easter message from DaySpring. ... 

the Light of the World,
came so we could find our way to God.

the Lamb of God,
died upon the cross
so we could receive the Salvation of God.

the Bright and Morning Star,
rose from the dead
so we could live forever with God.

For a free printable copy of DaySpring’s Easter message click this link:

Preparing Our Hearts .... As we approach the cross, and the moment of darkness that comes on Good Friday, let us not forget the tremendous suffering and agony Jesus endured. Praise Him and thank God for our great gift of salvation.

Below is a link to one of my favorite songs of encouragement... it is called “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” I remember singing this in our choir at my high school graduation. It still warms my heart and I hope it will do the same for you.

This version is sung by Barbara Streisand...

Blessings & God's Peace, Donna Weaver

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