25 November 2011

A Christmas Guarantee

" 'This is Christmas: not the tinsel, not the giving and receiving,
not even the carols, but the humble heart that receives
anew the wondrous gift, the Christ."  - Frank McKibben

Today is the busiest shopping day of the year, and this holiday season there’s lots of talk about Walmart’s 2011 Christmas Price Guarantee ... Walmart will pay the difference between the cost of any item purchased at its stores for the same item found on sale or for less at another local store.

• Walmart’s Christmas Price Guarantee is valid on purchases made Nov. 1 through Dec. 25 on identical items (the same brand, size, color, quantity, grade and model number) that are currently available at competitor’s stores located within the same local market as a particular Walmart store.

• You just need to bring the original Walmart cash register receipt and the local competitor’s printed ad to Walmart’s Customer Service desk. Once validated, a Walmart gift card for the difference will be issued.

Sounds like a pretty good deal, huh?  Who could ever offer a better guarantee than that?

GOD, that’s Who!

God’s Christmas GIFT:
“You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11).

God’s Christmas GUARANTEE: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle ... action required ... This holiday season, amidst the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating, and cooking, let us remember to share the news about the best GUARANTEE of all.  

Here are some great Christmas gift suggestions from author, Oren Arnold ... "To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect."

May you have the spirit of Christmas which is PEACE, the gladness of Christmas which is HOPE, the heart of Christmas which is LOVE.

God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

"Christmas is a time to open our hearts to God and his gifts."
- Author Unknown

23 November 2011


This is a new segment of my blog where I will be sharing a variety of thoughts, scripture verses, and “sparkle” ideas just for kids. Feel free to pass them on to your children, grandchildren, or any other young people that God has put in your life.

KIDZ ☮ PEACE ... Most of us have already started
"preparation" for the busy season ahead. This week it will be all about getting ready for Thanksgiving. Thursday may include a huge family get-together with all the fixings, or a quiet simple meal. Whatever our tradition’s are, we need to remember to take time to prepare our hearts to give “thanks.”

On Friday, we begin preparation for “giving” Christmas gifts. The busiest shopping day of the year will offer some of the best bargains. We will see the generosity of some shoppers and the greediness of others. But as we prepare for our Christmas celebrations, we need to remember the real “reason” for the season.

Once the shopping has begun, then the decorating, baking cookies, and holiday parties begin. Our “to-do” list get’s so long, and our
busy-ness stresses us out. With all of the hustle and bustle, our
“preparation” can quickly change us from “holiday angels and elves,” to a bunch of “Scrooges.”

1. Preparing our hearts ... Advent begins this coming Sunday and should be a time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, so ask yourself the following questions:

How will you prepare your heart for this Christmas season?

How will you keep Christ as the center of Christmas?

How will you reach out to others and share the real meaning of Christmas?

2. What does God’s Word tell us? When we read our Bible, scripture can explain more about “preparation.” Check out these verses: Psalm 46:10, 1 Peter 3:15, Isaiah 40:3, Ephesians 2:10.

3. We’re going to “sparkle” ... You might be asking yourself what I mean by the word “sparkle.” As Christians, we have a light inside each of us that comes from knowing and loving Christ. We have to remember to be an outward reflection of that light. When we pass on the joy, peace, and love that we have within us, we “sparkle.”

Beginning next week thru Christmas, I will be posting a weekly Kidz Peace Advent blog. Each Wednesday there will be a special message for kidz and their families. We will be finding time to “be still” ... preparing our hearts and minds for the Christmas season. I will be including a scripture verse, short devotion, and fun ideas on how the whole family can “sparkle” together. So be sure to stop back next week and let’s countdown the Advent weeks together.

You might want to gather the following items and place in an “Advent Box.” We will be using ... 4 candles, a Bible, and paper & pencil. Also, if you have a nativity, don’t set it up yet - we will start next Wednesday and add pieces each week to tell the story of preparing for the Christ child.

Kidz Thought for the Week: "Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts." from Janice Maeditere

Keeping you in my prayers. 'til next week ... give thanks with a “grateful heart.”

God’s Peace, Donna

21 November 2011

It's all about feeling FULL

“But I have all, and abound: I am full...”- Phillippians 4:18

Thanksgiving is almost here, and today I was thinking about all of the preparation that goes along with the big day.

Cleaning, shopping, cooking ... a full schedule.

Then come the friends, family, and football ... full of busy-ness.

... but in all of our activities and togetherness, we can’t forget to set aside time to give thanks for our many blessings. So between now and Thanksgiving, give some thought to how you will give “thanks.” Below is a poem that we will be using as the blessing at our table this year.

Abundant Blessing

We thank you for the turkey,
The gravy and the dressing.
Dear Lord, this table overflows
With Thy abundant blessing.

Let us always be aware
That all gifts come from You,
And may we serve Your heavenly will
In everything we do. Amen.

by Joanna Fuchs

Long after all the turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and other goodies are gone, we need to continue to recognize our fullness. Not the “fullness” from eating a meal of abundance, or the fullness of our schedules, but the fullness of God’s abundant blessings ... the blessings not just during a holiday, special occasion, or the good times, but the blessings found in our ordinary everyday lives.

This Thanksgiving I am thank-“full” to God ... for provision, peace, and hope ... for family, friends, and my faith ... for all that I am and all that I have been given.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings and God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the
highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
– John F. Kennedy

Poem “Abundant Blessing” used with permission from writer, Joanna Fuchs.
For more poems written by Joanna and her husband, Karl, check out their website: http://www.poemsource.com/index.html

18 November 2011

Feeding the “Hunger”

“Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD” (Deuteronomy 8:2-3)

Hunger is one of those topics that is addressed over and over again in scripture. We all know about physical hunger - our stomachs remind us all the time. But spiritual hunger is different - we don’t always recognize the signs.

Spiritual Hunger:

In scripture we see people that were hungry and desperate to connect with Jesus. They spent time with Him, listened to his teachings, and shared his ministry. And it is still true today. God places a spiritual hunger in our soul, and the closer we draw to Him, the strong our hunger becomes. We acquire a desire to please Him, to know Him in a deeper way, to feel His presence, to serve Him.

The Bible tells us, “Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be filled” (Luke 6:21).

I can always tell when I am spiritually hungry. I can’t seem to find any peace. I lose my joy. I become tired and weary. I am spiritually starving ... and it is usually a result of my self-imposed busy-ness, or an attempt to control things myself rather than follow God’s will for my life. Most likely I have skipped a few spiritual meals such as prayer, quiet time, and reading my Bible.

Without a conscious effort to feed our spiritual hunger, we may begin to feed our souls with anything the world offers us. And as we become spiritually weak, we become susceptible to all sorts of attacks from the enemy.

Who can give us living water that satisfies our soul? In John 4:13-14 Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

So, how is your spiritual hunger today? Are you thirsty?

Today I am asking God to give me a spiritual appetite that stirs up the passion and desire - that I might want more of Him! Won’t you join me in this prayer?

Physical Hunger:

As we mature in our faith and feed our spiritual hunger, another dimension is added to our hunger. Not only do we want more of Him, but we also desire to share God’s love and compassion with others. We begin to look for ways to feed the hungry (spiritually and physically), rather than just wanting to receive spiritual food for ourselves. God shows us the importance of ministering to the poor and needy in both the Old and New Testaments. One such story can be found in Matthew 14.

The scene:
a lonely wilderness place by the Sea of Galilee, a hungry crowd of 5,000 men plus women and children

The outcome: an entire crowd eats, with 12 basketfuls remaining

We continue to live in a world full of hungry people. And just like Jesus commanded them to be fed in biblical times, He asks us to feed them today.


Not with God’s bountiful grace!

It’s Friday, Let’s “Sparkle” ... action required ... I once read a quote that said, Peace begins when the hungry are fed (author unknown). For a Christian, ministering to the poor and needy becomes a part of our lifestyle. In these harsh economic times, the number of families and individuals seeking assistance has risen dramatically. This Thanksgiving, consider how you will reach out to meet the needs of the “physically and spiritually hungry” in your community.

When people are hungry, there is no such thing as “too many volunteers.” Contact your local food pantry, soup kitchen, or community meal delivery program.

Here are a few other suggestions:

• Invite someone to join you at your table for Thanksgiving dinner
• Personally deliver a meal to a needy family
• Don’t forget about a lonely neighbor, or a widow/widower

“Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:8-9 NLT).

May you feast on the goodness of God today and everyday!
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

16 November 2011


This is a new segment of my blog where I will be sharing a variety of thoughts, scripture verses, and “sparkle” ideas just for kids. Feel free to pass them on to your children, grandchildren, or any other young people that God has put in your life.

KIDZ ☮ PEACE... I once read that the biggest difference between people who are happy and people who are not is that happy people focus on, think about, talk about, and give thanks for what is good in their lives. Unhappy people don’t. Sound simple? It is!

1. Do you have an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE? When we become “thankful” our attitude changes ... Did you know that it is impossible to have a bad attitude when we thank God in ALL things - our joys, unexpected blessings, miracles, the small things, and even the hardships, disappointments, and challenges?

I know it might sound a bit strange but yes, we can find blessings in all things. Even when we are having troubled times, we can be thankful in knowing that God is always with us and that He is in control.

Do you know people who go through life mad or frustrated about what they do not have? They spend all of their time complaining and never realize how blessed they are. Sometimes It’s okay to be a “NOT” person, but only if you consider it a true blessing (see the 4th comment in the list below).

Here are a few things to remember about giving thanks...

• Gratitude has to do with our heart and not how much we have or don’t have.

• When we are happy on the outside it is based on our circumstances, but when we have joy on the inside it is based on our attitude.

• God is the source of every good thing in our life, AND our strength and hope whenever we face the “not so good” things.

• Concentrating on the "NOTS" can enable us to see thankfulness from a different perspective (Examples: I am not homeless, I am not blind, I am not hungry, I am not stupid, I am not alone).

2. What does God’s Word tell us? When we go to God in prayer and read our Bible we can find words that instruct us on how to be thankful. Check out these verses: Psalm 69:30, Colossians 4:2, Psalm 136:1, Colossians 3:15, Psalm 100:4.

3. What are you thankful for? Here are two ideas to help you recognize all of the things that you are thankful for.

Gratitude List: Find a small notebook or journal and try writing down 3 things that you are thankful for every day. As you write them down, give thanks to God for your blessings.

Not Box: Find a box about the size of a school pencil box or shoebox, and place it somewhere you will see it every day. Anytime you think of a “NOT” that you are thankful for, write it down on a slip of paper and put it in the box. Pick one of your “NOT” slips at night and use it as something to pray about. One example would be: “Dear God, I am thankful that I am NOT sick.”

Kidz Thought for the Week: God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" - from William A. Ward

Keeping you in my prayers. 'til next week ... be thankful in ALL things!
God’s Peace, Donna

14 November 2011

A Letter to my Readers

Dear Friends,

For as long as I can remember, my passion has been ... sending cards and letters containing handwritten words of encouragement and good news. For all of you who know me, I am sure this is not the first time you have heard me say this.

There is nothing like going to the mailbox and seeing an envelope with a handwritten address just waiting to be opened. When we send a note through the postal system, we are telling someone that they are worthy of our time and efforts.

It has become a tradition that I begin writing my annual Christmas cards over Thanksgiving, but this year I made an exception for two reasons. First, a few weeks ago a friend of mine sent out an email saying that she would be sending a package to a Chaplain in Afghanistan later this month. He ministers to 200 soldiers there and her hope was to send 200 Christmas cards, one for each American soldier under his care. She was asking for volunteers to help write cards.

God tugged at my heartstrings ... I couldn’t say “yes” quickly enough.

The second reason happened this weekend as I was watching one of my favorite Hallmark movies, The Christmas Card. The script used a churches tradition of sending greeting cards to our military as a catalyst for a holiday-themed romantic story. The film told the story about a soldier, Captain Cody Cullen, stationed in Afghanistan who received a Christmas card addressed to “any soldier.” The card contained a hand-written message from Faith Spelman, a woman living in the small town of Nevada City, California. While serving his country, the Captain found encouragement and the strength to survive, in the words written by Faith.

Inspiration abounds ... what a perfect setting to work on the cards that I had committed to write.

FYI: During the 2006 holiday season (when the movie, The Christmas Card was first released) Hallmark Channel partnered with various organizations such as Operation Dear Abby, Cards for Troops national campaign and America Supports You, to help support the men and women of the Armed Services.

Another person who has been busy “making a difference” is Beth Pennington, mother of a Marine, and founder of the group Military Missions Inc. According to their website, Beth tells us “What started as a simple prayer has turned into a non-profit organization that is blessing hundreds of deployed military each month. God took me, a ‘home school mom’ with no intentions of changing her path in life, and placed me in a position where I have the privilege and blessing of touching the lives of many with His love. Through sending care packages and cards of encouragement to our military, I have the opportunity to share the love of Christ in each box and card that makes its way overseas.” She went on to say, “I can’t enlist in the military and deploy overseas to a war zone, but I serve and honor those that are standing in the gap for me.” 

The Bible is God’s love letter to a wounded and hurting world. It is a constant reminder of the power of God’s love – a message we need to pass along. “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:14). A letter is something someone can touch and keep ... they can become treasured mementos. According to Dayspring (a subsidiary of Hallmark), “When we care enough to send a card that carries God’s word, we can confidently pray that God will use it to accomplish His will.”

We never know how the words we write, will uplift or inspire another person, or how lives may be changed.  My hope is that my words have inspired you to join in the efforts to send messages of peace, love, and joy to our military. What better time to be reminded of God’s amazing love than during the Christmas season!

God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

For more info on cards for the military, send me an email or check out this website: http://www.military-missions.org/events/opsend-christmas/

11 November 2011

Kindness can Change the World

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak
but their echoes are truly endless” - Mother Teresa

Definition of  kind•ness  - the practice of being or the tendency to be sympathetic and compassionate, behaving in a way that shows consideration and caring, an act of good will.

Kindness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit, along with love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

I believe in the magic of kindness! I love the warm, fuzzy feeling that you get when you give or receive kindness. I love to see the sad look in someone’s eyes turn in to a twinkle. I love to brighten someone’s day when I know that there may be no one else to do so.

How do I find the magic?

By asking myself 4 little words ... “How can I help?”

What does kindness look like to you?  

Is it a kind word, an unexpected note of appreciation, encouragement from a friend, a shoulder to cry on, the generosity of a stranger, or a hug from your child?

To me, kindness is seeing the needs of others and doing what I can to help meet those needs.

Words have power – they can motivate, inspire, express emotions, and bring joy.

Actions have power – they can lend a helping hand, bridge the generation gap, offer safety, and represent the hands & feet of Christ.

Psalm 139:23 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts.” Our love for God gives us the desire to be kind to others. Why not ask the Holy Spirit to give you “spiritual eyes” to see those needing the kind words and actions that are filling your heart today?

Here is a link to an amazing short inspirational video filled with quotes on “kindness” ... http://www.powerofkindnessmovie.com/

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle ... action required ... Did you know that World Kindness Day is coming up Sunday, November 13?

Kindness begins like a ripple of water. When we do something “kind” it has an impact on the receiver, they may even feel like doing something for someone else, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Below are a few suggestions taken from the Random Acts of Kindness website ...

• Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act you can easily do for your family, friends and even strangers, every day. Whether you’re at school, the grocery store, at work, or at home, those around you will certainly appreciate your good manners.

• Picking up groceries can be an especially kind act for an elderly neighbor who isn't able to get out much. Simply knock on their door and see if you can pick something up for them while you are at the store. This is most helpful to do when you know bad weather is approaching.

• Saying hello to someone, even if you don't know them, is a common courtesy. It means you are acknowledging their presence; you are saying that they are a person, too, and that they are important enough for you to say hello to.

• Show someone (your mom, your wife, a friend) you love them by surprising them with flowers when they least expect it. So often flowers are sent on birthdays or anniversaries. Send flowers to your loved ones on any day!

Leo Buscaglia once said, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

God saw broken, hurting, suffering people– and sent his Son to offer hope and to rescue them. Christ showed us the best examples of kindness ... shouldn’t we follow His example?

Have a blessed weekend.
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.”
- Author Unknown

09 November 2011

Kidz Topic ... SHARING

This is a new segment of my blog where I will be sharing a variety of thoughts, scripture verses, and “sparkle” ideas just for kids. Feel free to pass them on to your children, grandchildren, or any other young people that God has put in your life.

KIDZ ☮ PEACE... God wants everyone to know about Him!

For the past two Wednesdays we’ve been talking about ways to reach out to others ... and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Some of you may have had a chance to “SHINE for Jesus” over Halloween, and others may have started “TEXTING for Jesus.” But, being a witness doesn’t come easy for everyone. Some of you may have friends that aren’t Christians and you may be saying, “I don’t know where to begin.” Don’t worry, just keep reading.

Today I am going to give you a few tips that will make it easier for you to become a witness and share your faith when the timing is right! 

1. Getting started ... Do you have friends that really seem lost, sad, angry, depressed, or just can’t get along with others. Do you think they need Jesus in their life? One of the most important things you can do is to know the Bible better so you can tell them about Jesus. 

What does God's Word tell us? When we go to God in prayer and read His word we find many verses that can help us when we want to share our faith. Check out these verses: Romans 3:23 (we've all sinned), Romans 6:23 (sin separates us from God), Romans 5:6-8 (Christ died for us), Romans 10:9-10 (confess and repent), 1 John 1:9 (God will forgive), 2 Corinthians 5:17 (He makes us new), Romans 8:38-39 (we can't lose His love).

Ask God to help you memorize a few of the scripture verses, so they will be in your heart and mind when it comes time to share with others. It may help to write some of the verses down on note cards and tuck them in your book bag - that way they will always be handy.

2. Becoming a role model: Did you know that one of your friends who is not a Christian, may be watching you. They may be paying attention to how you treat people, the way you speak, or how you are living your life. You may be an example to someone and not even know it.

Read the two sentences below and complete one in your own words. Once you have the blank filled in, you can use the statement when someone asks you about your actions or your faith.

“I am glad that I’m a Christian because _____________________________.”

“I know that God loves me because ________________________________.”

3. Getting Involved: Activities such as Sunday school, Youth Group, Vacation Bible School, and Children’s Outreach Ministries also provide great opportunities to invite your friends to church.

As we continue to grow in our faith, it is important to remember that reaching out to others is not an option. It is a necessity. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus sent the disciples out to teach others about His commandments. Just as He has sent out the disciples, we have also been called to go out and tell others about Christ and His teachings.

Kidz Thought for the Week: God does not ask your ability or your inability. He asks only your availability. – author unknown

Keeping you in my prayers. 'til next week ... SHINE ... be a light that leads others to Christ.

God’s Peace, Donna

07 November 2011

Reflections on Psalm 100 and SHARED BLESSINGS

“God has two dwellings: one in heaven,
and the other in the meek and thankful heart.”
- Isaac Walton

I was thinking about some of the scripture verses I memorized when I was young and Psalm 100 came to mind. Memorization never came easy for me, but once I finally accomplished the task, it stuck with me ... for a very long time. So, today as I was thinking about the psalm, I wasn’t surprised that the words flowed easily from my tongue ... and I felt a such a comfort and peace.

With Thanksgiving approaching, it is a great time to be looking at Psalm 100. Many people are dealing with terrible trials and tribulations in their lives, and find little to be thankful for. Most of you already know that after reading the book “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp, I set out on a mission to find blessings in the simple, every-day things in my life. So yes, even amidst struggles and difficulties I have been able to find much to be thankful for. My advice for anyone searching for blessings in their life is to read this Psalm carefully.

• God is our creator and we are His creatures. We were not made by accident!

          He made us from nothing (dust).
          He made all things without help.
          He made all things “good.”

“Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his people, the sheep of his pasture” (v. 3) ... that means He is our Shepherd. He is our refuge and leads us to safety (Psalm 8:52).

So why should we be donning this attitude of “gratitude?” Well, that answer can also be found in the words of Psalm 100. The psalmist tells us that the character of God reveals His goodness. He is benevolent, merciful, truthful, loving, faithful, and so much more.  He is worthy of our praise!   Ann Voskamp says it this way Eucharisteo (thanksgiving) always precedes our blessings (God’s goodness).”  

My friend, Peggy, and I have been faithful in keeping up our “Shared Blessings” journals. Every 2-3 weeks we pack up our journal and mail it to the other person. Once the journals have been swapped, we continue writing our list of blessings. It has become something that I look forward to with great expectation. Our friendship has been one of encouraging each other, discussing God’s word together, and praying for each other, but there is something special about reading Peggy’s handwritten musings ... I get to peek into her heart and understand more deeply her thoughts and reflections.

God’s Word has a similar effect on me. When I read my Bible, I feel that I am peeking into God’s heart and find unconditional love, security, hope and trust there. Maybe that is the peace which Paul was writing about in Philippians 4:7 (NIV) which says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Have you ever stopped to think what your life would be like without Christ? I sure have! I would not be here writing about my blessings and thanking Him for not only my provisions, but all that He gives me above and beyond ... all the blessings I do not even deserve. This Thanksgiving we all need to give thanks for our blessings of the simple things, the Special (miraculous) blessings, and the blessing of Christ in our lives.

So, how are you going to “give thanks” this year? Are you counting your blessings? Why not share your attitude of gratitude with a friend. It’s twice the fun and twice the blessings.

In Psalm 34:8 (NLT) scripture tells us, “Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” When we live a life filled with joy and peace, and offer thanksgiving to Him, God is glorified.

Chillin’ in His Peace, Donna Weaver

“The Lord gives strength to His people;
the Lord blesses His people with peace.”
– Psalms 29:11

04 November 2011

Peace or Anxiety?

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds
are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
- Isaiah 26:3

The Bible is not a book about people who love God and never have problems. We can read story after story about good people who suffered loss - and life is no different today.

Circumstances happen, problems arise, situations catch up with us.

As hard as I try, I can’t control everything!

God has tried to teach me this lesson over and over and over and over again – but do I listen?

NO, and once again I am in the midst of a situation that I cannot control!

Anxiety or peace?

Because of God ... I have a choice!

So today the question is ... “How can I cope with unemployment and still keep an optimistic attitude that God will provide for my needs?”

I can choose to “worry” and ask myself the following questions:

• What if God wants something from me that I can’t give, or don’t like?
• What if God leads me down a road I don’t want to travel?
• What if God’s plans don’t include the plans I have for myself?

Or I can choose “peace” and remember what I’ve learned from scripture:

• Blessing and loss exist for the glory of God!
• He has a plan and purpose for our existence!
• Life is not about never suffering loss and having to endure hardship - it is about maintaining absolute trust in God!

Jehovah Jira is an ancient phrase, which in our everyday language means, "the Lord will provide." I may not know what my next job will be, or where my next paycheck will come from, but I do know that God has a plan for my life - He is in control! So I will fix my eyes on God and trust Him - I choose PEACE.

So now the question becomes ... “What marvelous unexplored possibilities and opportunities are mine to discover - where is God leading me through this experience?”

I can’t wait to find out!

It’s Friday, let’s “sparkle” ... action required ... As you go about your activities this weekend, keep your eyes and ears open for those around you that may be unemployed. And don’t forget to take action - offer an encouraging word, send a note containing a handwritten message or some scripture verses, ask them if there is anything you can do to help, pray for them!

Until Monday, have a great weekend...
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
- I Peter 5:7

02 November 2011

Kidz Topic ... TEXTING

This is a new segment of my blog where I will be sharing a variety of thoughts, scripture verses, and “sparkle” ideas just for kids. Feel free to pass them on to your children, grandchildren, or any other young people that God has put in your life.

KIDZ ☮ PEACE... This week we are going to continue to talk about “outreach” ... aka EVANGELISM.

According to a survey done by the Nielsen Company, teens average more than 3,000 texts a month — more than 10 per hour (not including the time they are sleeping or in school).

I got to wondering ... if Jesus had been born in this generation would he have had a cell phone or used texting?  During his ministry Jesus spoke to people using whatever language they understood. He used different ways to get people’s attention, even a “burning bush.” He spoke from a boat, on a mountainside, at banquets, at a well, and in people’s homes (like Mary and Martha), but His message was always the same.

I have to admit that texting is not my favorite way to communicate. Anyone that sends me a text knows that it takes me forever to reply to their message. But, I have to admit that since so many people (especially kids) love to text now-a-days, I may have to change my attitude. One of the problems I have with texting is that I don’t understand “text lingo.” I know a few basics like BFF means “best friends forever” or TTYL means “talk to you later,” but I wanted to understand more. So I “googled” text lingo and as I was reading through the list, I came up with an idea. Wouldn’t it be fun to use texting to spread God’s word?

1. What does God’s Word tell us?  Psalm 119:105 tells us, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." When we go to God in prayer and read our Bible we can find lots of verses that tell us the importance of God’s word. We can also find important messages that would be awesome to share with our friends. Check out these verses: Matthew 19:26, Isaiah 26:4,Phillipians 4:6, Isaiah 40:29, Genesis 12:2, Matthew 6:33.

2. Outreach Idea - Text Lingo and God’s Word: I started making a list of text lingo, what the letters mean, and a scripture verse that had a similar meaning. Here are a few examples:

IASAP4U (I always say a prayer for you)
I always thank my God as I remember you in prayers (Philemon 1:4)

GMTA (great minds think alike)
Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking, because you were called together in one body to have peace. Always be thankful (Colossians 3:15).

AAS (alive and smiling)
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).

PLO (peace, love, out)
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace (Psalm 29:11).

TMOT (trust me on this)
Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock (Isaiah 26:4).

AIMP (always in my prayers)
We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers (1 Thessalonians 1:2).

TMWFI (take my word for it)
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:6).

WAN2TLK (want to talk)
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7)

RYB (read your Bible)
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

POAHF (put on a happy face)
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit (Proverbs 15:13).

IWALU (I will always love you)
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

PCM (please call me)
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me (Psalm 17:6).

RIP (rest in peace)
I will give you peace...and you will be able to sleep without fear (Leviticus 26:6).

TIAD (tomorrow is another day)
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today (Matthew 6:34).

PZ (peace)
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).

And check out these Christian messages:

YIC (yours in Christ)
g2g2c (got to go to church)
GBU (God bless you)
BRWG (get right with God)

PTL (Praise the Lord)
YBIC (your brother in Christ)
YSIC (your sister in Christ
WWJD (what would Jesus do)

3. Hey Kidz, now it’s your turn ... Next time you text a friend, why not send a message that includes God’s Word such as ... POAHF Proverbs 15:13

ALSO, I ‘d love some feedback ... answer the question “What do you think Jesus would text (WWJT)?” Be sure to include the text letters, what it means, and a scripture verse you think goes with it. Post your response on my Facebook link for this blog post, or in the comment section on my blog page.

Parents/Grandparents: Why not start texting your children/grandchildren and send them a scripture verse each day? (ie. Phillipians 4:14). It may create an opportunity to talk about it together, and you will be speaking their language ... how cool is that!

Kidz Thought for the Week: Honk if you love Jesus, Text while driving if you want to meet Him (Message from a church billboard, author unknown).

The Bible is full of messages that are just waiting to be read and passed along ... Call 2 Me and I will answer U and show U gr8 things which U do not know (Jeremiah 33: 3).

KYIMP (Keeping you in my prayers), TNW ('til next week) ... have fun texting!
God's Peace, Donna