10 February 2012

"Heart Day" Part 1 – Be My Valentine

“YOU are precious and honored in MY sight,
and I love YOU” - Isaiah 43:4

You have just received a Valentine from God. The words were taken straight from the Bible which contains lots of love letters and special messages, written especially for you!

How do we really know that we are loved by God?

I was taught at a very young age that “Jesus Loves Me.” My Sunday school teachers read me Bible stories that told me so, and my family taught me prayers that told me so.

BUT, do I really believe that I am loved by God?

I have to be honest and say that there are times when I forget that I am loved by my Creator, and think to myself, “Why would someone love ME?”    ... God has taught me that I am precious in his sight, that I am beautiful and wonderfully made, and I am valued.  He has a plan for my life that only I can fulfill and that all of the days ordained for me were written in his book (Psalm 139). 

Other times when I am struggling to accomplish something that seems way beyond my reach, I tell myself “I can’t do anything right!”  That's when I wish I could hear the words, “You are doing a good job.”     ... God assures me that I can do all things because of the strength and power I receive through Christ.  I pray that maybe someday I will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I hate to admit it, but occasionally I feel so alone.  I grow weary, and wonder to myself, “Does anyone care?”    ... God has promised me that he is always with me and will never leave me or forsake me.  I find such peace and comfort in those thoughts.

And then there are moments when a small voice whispers, “You are not worthy.”  ... but God reminds me that he loved ME so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that I could have eternal life.

The following is an excerpt from a devotion I read this week.  It is taken from the book Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young:

"Every morning when YOU wake up let YOUR first words by, "I am loved by God."  And every night when YOU go to sleep let YOUR last words echo, I'M loved by God."  

I don’t know about you, but I need to write those words down on a card and carry them with me. My Christian walk is based on the beliefs of my faith. God gave us His Word and if I accept Him as my Lord and Savior, I understand that he pursues me and calls me to a relationship. The Bible continues to speak to me through the stories of God’s people, and as my Pastor said in a sermon a few weeks ago, “Their story is OUR story.”

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle ... Action Required ... A woman says, “Tell me I’m beautiful.” A man says, “Tell me we’ll grow old together.” A child says, “Tell me I’m your super hero.” These words express the emotions of so many people struggling in today's world.

Hallmark has a commercial running right now and the tag line says, “Everyone has something they need to hear. This Valentine’s Day, vow to tell them.”
What a great idea.  Let’s reach out and brighten someone’s day - express your love – offer encouragement - let someone know how important they are to you – pass on God’s love!

Why not make everyday a valentine’s day, a real “Heart Day?”

Loved ones, friends, co-workers, lonely and hurting people are not the only ones that need to hear how important they are to you, how much you love them, that you couldn’t live without them …
Have you told God lately how much you love Him?

Check back on Monday for Part 2 of my "Heart Day" blog, as we talk more about our love relationship with God.

Sparkle (shine, glow, twinkle, glitter, shimmer) for HIM!
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver


Check out this link for great ideas to “fill all your days with love” … http://www.hallmark.com/online/promotions/life-is-a-special-occasion.aspx?mc=T_V_P_ED_HM_LIFE#kids


todrawneargod said...

Nice post! Very timely now that the world will be celebrating Valentines Day. But do they really know what REAL love is?

I just love Romans 5:8. and that's real love. Though undeserving, unworthy, HE STILL LOVES US... Continually... To everlasting... God's love is the only love I know that will last forever....

God bless to you

todrawneargod said...
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Donna Weaver said...


Thank you so much for your comments. I agree that many people do not know what REAL love is, but seeking to know HIM more helps us understand the depth of his love. Romans 5:8 is the perfect verse - it says it all!

BTW I have been on your blog site and love your artwork!

God's Peace & Love, Donna