10 June 2011

Being a Friend (Part 2)

Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship
with each other
in the name of the LORD, saying, ‘The LORD
is witness between you and me,
and between your descendants
and my descendants forever.’” – 1 Samuel 20:42

To have good friends, you must be a good friend, but sometimes that is easier said than done. I think the Bible story of David and Jonathan’s friendship (1 Samuel 20), gives us such wonderful examples of loyalty, trust, and encourage- ment between friends. I love the part of verse 42 that says, “The LORD is witness between you and me.” I believe that God will bless our friendships IF we enter into our relationships focusing on Biblical principles and Christian values.

Here are some “tips” for being a friend:

Be Real: When we are generous, honest and open, we become a friend that is comfortable to be around. Being our authentic self also makes our faith transparent. Others can see that we are walking the walk, not just talking the talk.

Be Compassionate: When we are a friend that offers a supporting hand, carries the burdens of others, and helps out in whatever way we can, we become a true friend that is there whenever a need arises. Dependable and caring - a beautiful combination.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic,
love one another, be compassionate and humble.” – 1 Peter 3:8

Be a Good Listener: When we give our complete attention to a conversation, we are letting the other person know that what they are saying is important to us. We open the door for them to share – no interruptions, criticism, or unwarranted advice.

Be an Encourager: When we offer support through words, deeds or actions, we build one another up and strengthen each other. A friend that offers encouragement helps us be the best we can be. They help us explore our possibilities, dreams, and goals in life.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If they fall down, they can help each other up. But pity those who fall
and have no one to help them up!” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Be Trustworthy: When we keep our word, a promise, or a secret, we become a loyal friend. Others can have confidence that we are a safe haven, a person they can turn to when they need to share their feelings, deepest thoughts and even their prayer concerns.

Be Respectful: When we value another person’s opinions, appreciate their right to make their own choices and mistakes, and do not judge, even if we may not agree, we create a relationship based on mutual understanding and shared admiration.

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you
will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” – Luke 6:36-38

Be Loving: When we care about another person’s feelings, share their pain, offer forgiveness, celebrate their blessings, and share our love of the Lord, we become a person with a heart like Jesus... a good friend!

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic,
love one another, be compassionate and humble.” - 1 Peter 3:8

Author and motivational speaker, Leo Buscaglia once said, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring: all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

The list I have shared on being a friend is a reflection of the way Christ treated those He was close to in His daily walk. Carrying out these practices, and doing so unconditionally, will help not only make us "good friends” to one another, but in the process, our friendships will become grounded in solid Christian values.

It’s Friday, Let’s Sparkle... action required... Do the following words sound familiar?

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back againy
our heart is true you're a pal and a confidant

Maybe you’ve heard them while watching an episode of the Golden Girls. What wonderfully funny stories about friendship. Oh, they had their tough times, disagreements, and the types of issues that all friendships need to work through, but I always loved how they took time to tell each other how important they were to one another. In 1992, during the Show’s bittersweet final moments, one of the girls told the others, "I love you, always." What a beautiful display of friendship. This weekend why not take a moment to tell a friend how much they mean to you.

If our paths have not crossed yet, maybe they will someday... and we can become friends. And to the friends that have already left footprints on my heart (and you know who you are)... “I love YOU, always!”

 Have fun making friends and being a friend!
God’s Peace, Donna Weaver

“Don’t walk in front of me. I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me.
I may not lead.  Walk beside me and be my friend.”   - Albert Camus


Kathi said...

Donna...so beautifully and perfectly expressed! I genuinely feel so privledged to "know you" through your blog even though it's from a distance...

I spent a great deal of time last night reading your archived blogs since I just found you last week. I was affected and inspired by everyone I read. I cried when I read, "What Legacy will you leave?" I also felt so much emotion when I read that you volunteer for hospice as I am "very" familiar with that amazing, loving and compassionate organization because my losses are so many. I laughed when I read your "simplify" blogs because I can relate to all of it...I look forward to reading all of your work!

Even from a distance, you have inspired and challenged me to "be" more and "do" more. To focus on Biblical principles and Christian values, as you put it. You are everything and more on your "list" to be a "good" friend; loving, compassionate, caring, encouraging, honest, open...I could go on and on.

It's time for me to "unthaw" from my "frozen" grief and start living again!!!

I thank YOU for being a "friend"...

Much love, many blessings and mucho hugs,

Kathi...Little Sis

Donna Weaver said...

Kathi... As always, thank you so much for your kind words. Each time we correspond, I find we have more and more in common. Our new friendship is definitely a "God thing."

I'm glad you are enjoying the archived posts. I have my favorites but each one has stretched me and forced me to dig deeper into God's Word. I feel so blessed that He allows me to use my writing in such a way!

I agree that it IS time to thaw out... I've learned alot this week about living life to the fullest (thanks to your inspiration). My blog for today was actually written for an audience of 1 - ME. Needed to hear my own sermon:)

Thanks again for your words of encouragment. Will continue to keep you in my prayers, and will be in touch again soon.

Peace & Love, Donna

Maxine said...


Loved your post on this Friendship thing - I have one waiting in the wings about friendship and envy!! Why can't we all just be happy for one another instead of competing? Much love and Peace to YOU!

Mary Anne Benedetto said...

Donna, you exemplify just what a friend should be. You are absolutely an encourager, and I hope that many others will find your blog and can use it to enhance their lives and spiritual walks! Keep up the wonderful posts..they are truly a blessing. God bless you and your family in immeasurable ways!!! Love, Mary Anne